Company announcements

Company announcements

Date Title and summary
Company Announcement No. 627 In continuation of the previously announced agreement to acquire UTi Worldwide Inc. (company announcement no. 614) DSV is pleased to announce that South African antitrust approval has been obtained. The approval was the final antitrust approval required for the...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 626 In continuation of the previously announced agreement to acquire UTi Worldwide Inc. ("UTi") (company announcement no. 614) DSV is pleased to announce that on today's shareholder meetings UTi's shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve the transaction....
Company Announcements
Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 626 I fortsættelse af den tidligere annoncerede aftale om køb af UTi Worldwide Inc. ("UTi") (selskabsmeddelelse nr. 614) glæder det DSV at kunne meddele, at på dagens ekstraordinære generalforsamling har  UTi's aktionærer med overvældende flertal stemt for transaktionen....
Danish Company Announcements