Company announcements

Company announcements

Date Title and summary
Company Announcement No. 446 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 200,000,000 and no more...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 445 As informed in company announcement no. 396, the Italian authorities have in June 2011 imposed an administrative fine of EUR 23.6 million on DSV's Italian subsidiary Saima Avandero S.p.A which was taken over in 2008 in connection with the acquisition of ABX LOGISTICS....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 444 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 200,000,000 and no more...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 443 As previously mentioned in Company Announcement No. 343, on 10 February 2010 DSV Air & Sea SAS, a French subsidiary of DSV taken over in 2008 in connection with the acquisition of ABX LOGISTICS, received a Statement of Objections from the European Commission regarding a...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 442   On 21 March 2012 DSV held the Annual General Meeting. The chairman's minutes are enclosed. Any questions regarding this announcement should be addressed to Jens H. Lund, CFO, tel. +45 43 20 30 40.   Yours sincerely, DSV   Jens Bjørn Andersen            Jens H....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 441 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 200,000,000 and no more...
Company Announcements
Stock Exchange Announcement No. 440   Pursuant to the Securities Trading Act notice is hereby given that the following transactions have been carried out:   Name Kurt K. Larsen Reason Chairman of the Supervisory Board Issuer DSV A/S ISIN DK0060079531 Nature of transaction Shares — Transfer to...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 439 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 200,000,000 and no more...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 438 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 200,000,000 and no more...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 437     You are hereby invited to attend the annual general meeting of DSV A/S to be held on   Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 1 p.m. at BELLA CENTER Center Boulevard 5 2300 Copenhagen S   Doors open at 12 noon.   Before the General Meeting, a light meal will be served.   1....
Company Announcements