Company announcements

Company announcements

Date Title and summary
Company Announcement No. 9 96 On 25 October 2022, we initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 992. The share buyback programme announced has now been concluded. The programme has been carried out in accordance with Regulation No....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 9 9 5 On 25 October 2022, we initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 992. According to the programme, the company will in the period from 25 October 2022 until 14 November 2022 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 3,000...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 9 9 4 On 25 October 2022, we initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 992. According to the programme, the company will in the period from 25 October 2022 until 14 November 2022 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 3,000...
Company Announcements
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of DSV A/S will be held on: Tuesday , 2 2 November 202 2 , at 08:30 CET, at DSV A/S ’ registered office DSV A/S Hovedgaden 630, 2640 Hedehusene, Denmark Doors open at 08:00 CET 1          Agenda 1.  Reduction of the share capital and...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 992 The Board of Directors of DSV A/S has decided to exercise the authority to buy back shares granted by the Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2022. The authority is valid until 17 March 2027 and covers a maximum of 23,400,000 shares....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement N o. 991 Selected key figures and ratios for the period 1 January – 3 0 September 202 2   Q3 2022 Q3 2021 YTD 2022 YTD 2021           Key figures ( DKKm )         Revenue 60,560 49,557 184,434 121,004 Gross profit 13,538 9,823 40,493 25,941 Operating profit (EBIT) before...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 990 For the first nine months of 2022, DSV has recognised a financial performance ahead of our previous expectations with a revenue of DKK 184,434 million, gross profit of DKK 40,493 million and EBIT before special items of DKK 20,455 million....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 9 89 On 26 July 2022, we initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 973. The share buyback programme announced has now been concluded. The programme has been carried out in accordance with Regulation No....
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 988 It is hereby announced that DSV A/S has increased its holding of treasury shares to 11,788,022 shares, corresponding to 5.04% of the entire share capital and voting rights. Any questions may be addressed to Executive Vice President, Investor Relations, Flemming Ole...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 9 8 7 On 26 July 2022, we initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 973. According to the programme, the company will in the period from 26 July 2022 until 24 October 2022 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK 7,000 million,...
Company Announcements