DSV, 343 - Statement of Objections from the European Commission



Statement of Objections from the European Commission

A French subsidiary of DSV A/S has received a Statement of Objections from the
European Commission. 

A Statement of Objections is a procedural document by which the European
Commission publishes its preliminary considerations in relation to a possible
violation of European competition law and gives the recipient the opportunity
to present its views and arguments in a reply to these considerations. 

The Statement of Objections concerns merely one matter in relation to the
company concerning the period from 19 March 2003 to 19 August 2004 in which the
said company carried on its activities under the name of ABX LOGISTICS Air &
Sea (France) SAS. 

The Statement of Objections received is based on information that the European
Commission has obtained through inspections carried out in 2007 of transport
and freight forwarding companies in several European countries and in the USA,
or that the European Commission has received from the companies involved and
other relevant players in the industry. It may be noted that the inspections
made in 2007 did not involve any company in the DSV Group. 

The considerations put forward by the European Commission will now be reviewed
in collaboration with the employees of the subsidiary, and a reply to the
Statement of Objections will be prepared within the stipulated time limit. 

Any questions may be addressed to Jens Bjørn Andersen, CEO, or Jens H. Lund,
CFO, on tel. +45 43 20 30 40. 

Yours sincerely,

Jens Bjørn Andersen	Jens H. Lund