STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 265 Share buy-back in DSV A/S On 3 August 2007, DSV initiated the published share buy-back programme, cf. stock exchange announcement no. 252 of 3 August 2007. According to the programme DSV will in the period to 31 October 2007 purchase own shares for an amount of up to a maximum of DKK 500 million. The program is implemented in accordance with the “Safe Harbour” provisions of EU regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003. Therefore, DSV will publish the accumulated buy-backs under the programme every 7th trading day. Trading day Number of shares bought back Average transaction price Amount DKK Accumulated for trading day 1-56 3,570,500 125.15 446,852,580 57: 22 October 2007 51,000 127.64 6,509,640 58: 23 October 2007 53,000 130.28 6,904,840 59: 24 October 2007 40,000 130.69 5,227,600 60: 25 October 2007 100,000 131.12 13,112,000 61: 26 October 2007 55,000 132.08 7,264,400 62: 29 October 2007 50,000 134.79 6,739,500 63: 30 October 2007 54.300 136.00 7,384,800 Accumulated for trading day 1-63 3,973,800 125.82 499,995,360 DSV's accumulated share buy-backs in the period from 3 August 2007 to 30 October 2007 thus total 3,973,800 numbers of shares at a total purchase sum of 500.0 DKK million. The published share buy-back programme has now been concluded and the shares bought back will be proposed cancelled at the company's next Annual General Meeting. As a result of the above transactions, DSV A/S now holds a total of 11,606,127 shares of a nominal DKK 1 in DSV A/S corresponding to 5.76% of the total number of issued shares of 201,500,000. The last announcement dated 22 October 2007 stated that DSV A/S held 5.56% of the company's share capital. Questions should be addressed to Jens H. Lund, CFO, tel. +45 43 20 30 40.