Company announcements

Company announcements

Date Title and summary
  Company Announcement No. 680   On 30 October 2017, DSV A/S initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 664 of 26 October 2017. According to the programme, DSV A/S will in the period from 30 October 2017 to 23 March 2018 purchase own shares up to a maximum value...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 679 "2017 was a record year ......
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 678 On 30 October 2017, DSV A/S initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 664 of 26 October 2017. According to the program......
Company Announcements
Company Announcements
Company Announcements
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 674 On 30 October 2017, DSV A/S initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 664 of 26 October 2017. According to the programme, DSV A/S will in the period from 30 October 2017 to 23 March 2018 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 673 On 30 October 2017, DSV A/S initiated a share buyback programme, as described in Company Announcement No. 664 of 26 October 2017. According to the programme, DSV A/S will in the period from 30 October 2017 to 23 March 2018 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of...
Company Announcements