Company announcements

Company announcements

Date Title and summary
Company Announcement No. 456 On 27 April 2012, DSV initiated the previously announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 450 of 27 April 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 27 April to 30 July 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 455    On 27 April 2012, DSV initiated the previously announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 450 of 27 April 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 27 April to 30 July 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 454 On 27 April 2012, DSV initiated the previously announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 450 of 27 April 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 27 April to 30 July 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 453 On 27 April 2012, DSV initiated the previously announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 450 of 27 April 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 27 April to 30 July 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 452 On 27 April 2012, DSV initiated the previously announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 450 of 27 April 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 27 April to 30 July 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Stock Exchange Announcement No. 451   Pursuant to the Securities Trading Act notice is hereby given that the following transactions have been carried out: Name Kaj Christiansen Reason Member of the Board of Directors Issuer DSV A/S ISIN DK0060079531 Nature of transaction Shares — Sale Trade date 2...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 450 The Board of Directors of DSV has decided to buy back shares in accordance with the authorisation granted at the Annual General Meeting on 21 March 2012 . As at today, 27 April 2012, DSV holds 3,231,166 treasury shares of a nominal value of DKK 1 each, corresponding to...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 449 Selected financial and operating data for the period 1 January — 31 March 2012   Revenue amounted to DKK 10,819 million (2011: DKK 10,793 million) Gross profit came to DKK 2,435 million (2011: DKK 2,372 million), corresponding to a gross margin of 22.5% (2011: 22.0%)...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 448 On 21 February 2012, DSV initiated the announced share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement No. 435 of 21 February 2012. According to the programme DSV will in the period from 21 February 2012 to 23 April 2012 purchase own shares up to a maximum value of DKK...
Company Announcements
Company Announcement No. 447   In accordance with DSV's Financial Calendar, the Company will publish its Q1 2012 Interim Financial Report on 27 April 2012. The report is expected to be published before 8:00 a.m. CET. DSV invites analysts, investors and others to participate in a teleconference on...
Company Announcements